When it comes to being a landowner, the way you take care of your hunting land is one of the most important things you can do. From changing where you plant your food plots, to cutting down old trees. There are many ways to improve the quality of hunting habitats on your land.
Improving Habitats
“Habitat Improvement” stands for “restoring, enhancing, or establishing physio-graphic, hydro-logical, or disturbance conditions necessary to establish or maintain native plant and animal communities, including periodic manipulations to maintain intended habitat conditions on completed project sites.”
Habitat Improvement – Green Leaves/Young Forests
One of the most important things to consider when working with habitat management is the amount of food available. Many hunters believe that mature forests are optimal for providing food for whitetails.
However, young forests provide green leaves, at eye level for whitetail. Planting new forests provides green leaves. Green leaves are plants that are at eye level for the deer, making it easily accessible to them. Young forests are made up of plants with green leaves, making them a better summer food choice then the plants in a mature forest.
Food Plots
Food plots are crucial in supplementing food to the animals on your property. While it is only one piece of the habitat management puzzle, doing it correctly can pay off big time,. One of the biggest pluses of food plots are that you can concentrate certain foods to one area. Improving both the viewing of the animals and the hunting for that area.
Food plots can also help combat wild animals eating surround cash crops. Providing deer with extra food, while saving money through protecting crops is a win-win. Food Plots also help with late winter food production, which is by far the most difficult time to give your wildlife enough food and coverage.
Habitat Management is one of them most rewarding things you can do as a land owner. From knowing that you are providing a better quality of life to your animal, to the simple fact that you are creating better hunting environment. Habitat management is a great way to give back to the wildlife that provides us with so much.
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