ALA Full Article Library
Inheriting Land? Learn Your Options
Inheriting land is an opportunity to be grateful for, but it is a huge undertaking. Your options for how . . .
What is the Right Way to Sell Your Timber?
Deciding to sell timber from your property Whether you have purchased a new property or have been pondering for . . .
Know Your Foe – Looking at Coyote’s Habits and How You Can Defend Your Livestock
As a farmland owner or ranch manager, it’s likely you’ve got a few animals running around on your property. . . .
Should I allow hunting on my land?
If you are a landowner that owns an awesome piece of property, perfect for hunting and all-around outdoor recreation . . .
Can I Really Be Sued if A Hunter Gets Hurt or Has an Accident on My Land?
Hunting has inherent elements of camaraderie, tradition, and friendship. Many hunters don’t hunt on land they own on paper, . . .
What should I expect from hunters leasing my property?
If you are considering or may have already decided to lease your property for hunting, you probably have questions . . .
Using Your Mixed Use Land for Extra Revenue Streams
Here in Kansas, the vast majority of rural landowners are using their property for raising cattle or growing crops . . .
The Responsibilities of Owning Land
Responsibility of owning land Whether you are a bird watcher, a hiking enthusiast, a conservationist or hunter, owning your . . .
The Case for Leasing
Why More Landowners are Discovering the Benefits of Leasing Hunting Rights to Their Properties. There is no question recent . . .
Why Mortgage Lenders Require Vacant Land Insurance
Lenders want to minimize risk! Aside from the obvious financial risks that mortgage lenders are exposed to, there are . . .
Improving Safety on Your Property
7 Easy Steps to protect yourself and your guests. Whether you bought your property to manage your own hunting . . .
Earn More From Your Land
Whether you make your entire source of income from your property or have inherited the property, ensure that you . . .
Vacant Land Insurance – A Complete Guide
Vacant Land Insurance – Do I need it? If you own a home, then you are aware of the . . .
Should You Allow Hunting On Your Land| Hunting Insurance
If you are a landowner, then you are sure to have run into this situation. You own an awesome piece . . .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Vacant Land?
If you have found yourself asking this question, you may be new to owning your own land. First things first, . . .
Do I Have To Allow Hunting To Buy Vacant Land Coverage?
Do I have to allow hunting on my property to buy Vacant Land Insurance? For those who are new to . . .
Understanding Vacant Land Policy Coverage
What is Vacant Land Coverage If you own vacant land, then you are susceptible to the incidents that occur on . . .
Avoiding Liability Claims – Vacant Land
Avoiding Liability claims on vacant land might seem like a no-brainer to some. I mean, it is an empty piece . . .
What Land Insurance Do I Need?
Chances are, if you searched for information or guidance on which type of insurance policy (hunting lease or vacant land) . . .
Defining Vacant Land
Confusion on how some land is described or identified by mortgage lenders and/or insurance companies is understandable. Even they don’t . . .
How Much Does Vacant Land Insurance Cost?
Whether you have recently purchased your dream property. Are a longtime landowner that enjoys sharing access with your friends . . .
Prevent Trespassing On Your Vacant Land
If you own vacant land, you should be fully aware that trespassing is a crime. As a landowner, you should . . .
5 Tips for Buying Vacant Land
Banks and Mortgage providers often require vacant land insurance Due to the extremely low inventory of existing homes, many people . . .
Coyote Control
Being a landowner is a lifestyle that is both extremely rewarding, as well as difficult. One of the more difficult . . .
Hunting Habitats: Improvements
When it comes to being a landowner, the way you take care of your hunting land is one of the . . .
A 7 Step Guide For Landowners – Make Your Property Safer
After 10 years and thousands of landowner consultations, we have developed this guide to help you make your property . . .
Purchasing Land Insurance for Vacant Land
Vacant Land If you own property that is vacant and undeveloped, you may be left open to unnecessary risks and . . .
Landowner Liability Concerns
Whether you are a bird watcher, a forester, a conservationist or hunter, the dream of owning your own piece . . .
What You Can Do To Deter Trespassers
We would like to address one of the licensees/hunter’s biggest concerns on a hunting lease: trespassing. Whether a trespasser is . . .
Leasing Farmland | How to Earn More Money
How Much Income From Leasing Farmland? Being a landowner can be an awesome privilege or a tough burden at times. . . .
How to Make Higher Profits Cutting Hay
Tips for Extra Income When Cutting Hay There’s something special about the smell of a freshly cut hayfield in the . . .
Leasing Cattle Land | What You Need to Know
How to Earn Extra Income Leasing Cattle Land Whether you run a full-blown cattle operation or simply inherited a few . . .
How To Sell Your Timber
What You Should Know About Selling Timber You’ve been eyeing that chunk of woods on your property for a while . . .
Best Way to Control Coyotes on Farms and Ranches
Methods to Control Coyotes on Farms Whether you own livestock on a farm or just like to hunt deer on . . .
Coyote Effects on Livestock | A Balancing Act
How to Tackle Coyote Effects on Livestock As a farmland owner or ranch manager, it’s likely you’ve got a few . . .
Earning Money from Forests Without Cutting Timber
Is There a Way of Earning Money from Forests Without Logging It? You hear it a lot if you are a forestland . . .
How to Make Money on Your Land
Several Ways to Make Money on Your Land No matter what kind of land you own or type of landowner you are, . . .
Inherited Property | Deciding to Sell, Keep, or Lease?
What to Do If You Inherited Property Inheriting land is one of those things that most people dream about. You hear . . .
How Farm Loans Could Help You Get Started Farming
Why Farm Loans Might Be a Good Move for You You’re probably familiar with the “out of sight, out of mind” phrase, right? Sadly, . . .
Why the Farmable Wetlands Program Could Work for You
Have You Considered the Farmable Wetlands Program? Almost every farmer looks for ways to maximize the amount of land they have . . .
Canada Goose Crop Damage | One Money Making Solution
How to Offset Canada Goose Crop Damage There’s something special about owning land and looking out at your farm fields. They . . .
How to Handle Crop Damage by Excessive Rain and Floods
Solutions for Flooded Crop Fields Mother Nature has a habit of getting what she wants. She may give you a few small victories, but . . .
Leasing Cattle Ranches for Hunting | Cattle Ranch Income Sources
Hunting Leases on Cattle Ranches Agricultural producers understand the value of investment, of hard work, and of the return on both . . .
Farmland Guide | How to Reduce Deer Crop Damage
Tips to Reduce Deer Crop Damage on Your Farm Farmers are still one of the rare kinds of people who truly live . . .
Ways to Earn Income on a Farm After Row Crop Harvest
You Want to Earn Income on a Farm, But How? Whether you are the proud owner of a large farming estate . . .
Making Money from Leasing Your Woodland | Timber Harvests
Why Leasing Your Woodland Is Important After a Timber Harvest Very few landowners try to make their property as profitable as possible. In most cases, . . .
Ultimate Guide to Leasing Your Land for Hunting
Leasing Your Land for Hunting | What You Should Know You’re probably familiar with the old saying about how you should . . .
Earn Passive Income From Your Farm and Pastures
How to Start Leasing Farmland and Pastures for Hunting Farmers are some of the hardest-working people in the country. They . . .
Hunting Lease Prices and Income | Realistic Prices for Hunters and Landowners
Whether you are a hunter looking for a hunting lease or a landowner thinking about leasing your land for hunting, . . .
Is Your Property Worth Leasing for Hunting?
Is Your Property Worthy of a Lease? You’ve heard that land can be one of the best investments out there, . . .
Selling More Attractive Hunting Leases to Hunters
Landowner Hunting Lease Checklist | How to Increase the Appeal of Hunting Leases When you are selling a home, taking . . .
Landowner’s Guide to Leasing Hunting Rights
Hunting Leases | Why You Should Consider Leasing Hunting Rights On Your Land Maybe having a chunk of land to . . .
Realtor’s Guide to Selling Land with the Potential of Hunting Leases
How to Sell Properties for Hunting Leases When you are trying to sell properties for hunting leases or hunting property, . . .
Understanding Your Landowner Liability Hunting Lease Insurance
Landowner Liability Hunting Lease Insurance The simple fact is that hunting leases increase revenue from other land income sources like row crops . . .
Leasing Your Property | Unrealized Income from Hunting Leases
Whether you make your entire source of income from your property or have inherited the property, ensure that you are . . .
7 Things I Learned From Warren Buffett That Can Be Applied To Farming
By Scott Anderson, CEO of Cash Cow Farmer. Listen to the entire podcast HERE 7 Things I Learned From Warren . . .